Friday 9th October 2020

We are continuing with our daily phonics and handwriting lessons. 

In Maths we are continuing to learn to count accurately. This week we have focused on tens and ones when partitioning a number. 

 On Monday we enjoyed exploring the apparatus. The children explored how they move and balance at a variety of levels. 

Florence Nightingale - We are really enjoying finding out about Florence Nightingale. We created a collage of Florence at the beginning of the week and then undertook some research using a variety of sources of information. 

Outdoor Learning - KS1 have had the most fantastic 'Outdoor Learning' day. We have really utilised the beautiful space that we have at school. We began the morning by thinking of our own 'Nature Name', for example 'Miss Conkers Coles' or Zachary Zebra. We then went outside and the children were arranged into their house groups. The children were challenged to build a den, suitable for if it rained today, the den must be able to keep them all dry. ALL the children worked exceptionally effectively to build the best and most purposeful den they could, their teamwork spoke volumes. After this the children made apple cups, with the support of an adult, the children cut an apple (from our apple tree!) in half, they were then encouraged to scoop out the apple in order to create a cup, the children then poured apple juice into their apple cup and enjoyed a refreshing drink, on a very warm and sunny day! We then played a really fun hoop game, Miss Coles and Miss Blake loved it too! We then enjoyed our lunch outside. After lunch the children participated in a colour hunt, this was a tricky job but the children were exceptionally resilient and just kept trying and great results were had!

Year 1 and 2 have been an absolute delight today, their behaviour, attitude to learning and general effort that they have shown throughout the day. They have made me exceptionally proud


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