Friday 13th November 2020

 In Maths this week we have been making bead strings to support us with mathematical calculations. We have also begun adding two single digit numbers.

In Phonics we are beginning to apply comprehension to our learning. The children are encouraged to identify the digraph we have been looking at that day and highlight it. The children then decoded and blend. After the children have shared their sentences, I ask the children questions, this assesses their recall. 

We walked to St Michael's Church in Sutton to consider the relationship between Florence Nightingale and churches. The children were encouraged to look at the dates on the headstones and identify any that were similar to the significant events of Florence, for example the date she was born, died and undergoing her nursing career. The children were also invited to find some facts which had been recorded on sound buttons and hidden around the church yard. They recorded their findings. The children maintained respect whilst we were in the church yard and for this we are very proud of them.

Whilst we were at the church we discussed the memorial and what it represents. We held a 1 minute silence whilst we were in the church yard to show our respect for the soldiers that lost their lives.

The children used apples and corks to print some poppies. We did this as a mark of respect for remembrance day. 

Today we used leaves to create our own Pudsey's to celebrate children in need. 


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