Friday 6th November 2020

In English this week we have begun looking at the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have been learning the story through talk for writing. The children ordered the story using pictures. They then had to identify which picture is was missing and draw their own to fill in the missing gaps. 

In Maths we have been learning the number bonds to 10. Number bonds are two numbers that total 10. We have been learning these off by heart! The children have become very confident in doing this! We have undertaken a variety of activities to apply and embed our knowledge. 

Year 1 and 2 have continued their learning around Florence Nightingale again today. This afternoon the children were encouraged to imagine what life would have been like inside the hospitals in around 1850, when Florence was nursing. The children were asked to discuss and consider the people that would be found in a hospital. Together we recorded our findings on the working wall. The children decided that: soldiers, nurses, doctors, cleaners, trainee nurses and cooks would be found in the hospitals. We discussed what these roles look like and what each of these people would be doing in their role. KS1 were split into two group, half were acting as soldiers whilst the other half were in the roles of doctors, nurses etc. They then swapped. We discussed the illnesses that the soldiers suffered with, we then discussed the symptoms of these illnesses and how they could be cured. The soldiers (patients) were asked to describe their symptoms and it was the doctors and nurses job to diagnose the illness. They then knew what to administer after collecting the prescribed medication from the pharmacists. The children were encouraged to measure the medicine using the pipets. Bandages were also available for other wounds to the soldiers. The children were praised for getting into their role superbly well

With Miss Grimmer, Year 1 spent some time exploring 2D shapes. They learnt the names of a variety of shapes. The used the shapes to draw around, they then cut these out and created a shape rocket. Prior to doing this, the children learnt a little bit about Guy Fawkes. The shape rockets were made to represent Bonfire Night. 


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