We really enjoyed celebrating sports day yesterday. The children joined in with the running race, egg and spoon race and the sack race. Well done to Ruby house who won!
Last Friday we enjoyed making some Christingles and then sharing a Christingle service with Reception class in a socially distanced manner. Year 2 led the service and shared with us what each part of the Christingle represents. We had an absolutely super time carol singing. Thank you to everybody who came out to support us. We also made and decorated our personalised tree decorations! We felt very creative with our designs. We spent some time writing Goodbye messages to Mrs Baker, Arthur and Emylia as well as Thank you messages to Bobby's Mum for helping us with the backdrop for our nativity and the lady and gentlemen who donated the straw to us. I would like to take this opportunity with wish Emylia and Arthur the very best of luck at their new school. I hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas, but most importantly, a safe Christmas.
We have had such an enjoyable week in Year 1. We loved celebrating Captain Tom Moore day. We made bunting, medals and sandwiches in the morning. In the afternoon we went for a walk to help the children understand how far Captain Tom walked. We explained that Captain Tom would have had to walk the distance we walked, 3 times! We were delighted at the efforts the children went to when dressing up! In Maths we have been learning how to measure length and height! We have been using a variety of pieces of equipment to help us! We began by measuring with concrete objects and then rulers. We also used metre sticks to measure longer/taller objects. Today we measured each other and ordered ourselves from shortest to tallest. In Miss Blake's phonics group this week, the children have been recapping 'ee', 'ay' and 'igh'. In this activity the children had to sort the words into the correct piles dependant on the digraphs. They were then encouraged to write sentences ...
In Maths this week we have been learning about weights. We used both balance scales and weighing scales. The children were introduced to lots of new vocabulary. We discussed the weights of a variety of objects comparatively. The children also applied their problem solving and reasoning skills. In English this week we have continued learning about Captain Tom; we are really enjoying sharing his book 'One Hundred Steps'. The children have written sentences about Captain Tom which have included the conjunction 'and'. We have also been writing questions that we would like to asked Captain Tom if he was still alive. The class have been really super at implementing the correct punctuation in the appropriate places. Using concrete objects, the children creating words which included the sounds we have been learning this week. We enjoyed learning how to implement a push pass in hockey this week. Mrs Fiske visited our lesson and we loved showing her the skills we had learnt an...
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